Chinese Air Power: Current Organisation and Aircraft of All Chinese Air Forces

Hardcover 22x28 cm, 336 pages. Although China has been a significant air power for more than 50 years very little has been published or even known about its capabilities. Along with the recent emergence of China as a world economic and military superpower, China has recently invested huge sums of money in modernising its air force, developing its own aircraft and technology as well as buying from overseas. This new book unveils for the very first time in English, the full details of the organisation, capabilities and aircraft of all Chinese air forces - the third largest in the world today. This remarkable new book details the Chinese Air Force's order of battle, starting with the top command and down to the operational regiments and squadrons. It also includes descriptions and specifications of the Air Force's and the Navy's main fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft - combat aircraft, transports and special-mission aircraft (reconnaissance, electronic warfare etc.) Details of the missile and bomb armament carried by Chinese combat aircraft today are revealed, with day-to-day operations, air bases and test and research establishments also covered. Packed with a wealth of colour photos and illustrated by maps, charts, line drawings and data tables, readers will also delight in photographs of branch and unit insignia from the top level to the squadron badges of individual units. Colour side views of aircraft currently in service will be invaluable to modellers. This is one not be missed! 9781857803211
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