Blackburn Buccaneer by Duke Hawkins

Blackburn Buccaneer by Duke Hawkins

I lager: Ja

Pris: 429,00 kr


The Blackburn Buccaneer is one of those typical British aircraft designs that has proven itself more versatile and effective than originally intended. While it was extremely stable when flying at high speeds and very low level for both the Fleet Air Arm and Royal Air Force, it was near the end of its career that it got into the spotlight it so deserved; during the first Gulf War, the few Blackburn Buccaneers that were deployed became important assets for other aircraft to destroy targets with precision weapons. In this book, we show you a close-up of this magnificent jet. A close-up that was made possible with the help of The Buccaneer Aviation Group. [S.2B S.2C]
  • Mer information HMHP036
    Fabrikat HMH Publ.
    Skala Nej
    Land England
    Epok Modernt
    Second Hand Nej