The German Giants: The German R-Planes 1914-1918

The German Giants: The German R-Planes 1914-1918

I lager: Ja

Pris: 529,00 kr


Hardcover 22x29 cm, 310 pages. The development of the German giant bomber was one of the most startling and impressive advances made during the First World War. These were the largest aircraft to bomb England in either war, and their construction was achieved within a few short years of the wood-and-wire 'boxkite' era. All-metal monoplane bombers, four-engined and heavily armed, were planned by the brilliant design teams of 1918. This is the story of the R-plane and its service history, giving details of every airplane that was built. This is the third revised edition of this respected history. 9780851778129
  • Mer information SX2096k24
    Fabrikat Putnam
    Skala Nej
    Land Tyskland
    Epok WW I
    Second Hand Second Hand