Die deutschen Zerstörer 1935-1945

Die deutschen Zerstörer 1935-1945

I lager: Ja

Pris: 269,00 kr


Hardcover 22x25 cm, 272 pages. German text. Contains a lot of pictures and detailed drawings of the Destroyer classes in WWII. Operational histories of all ships are included complete with detailed maps. Technical information on design and construction details are put in tables. Some detailed drawings of cross sections and fire control and gearing, turbine and a discussion on the projected diesel propulsion. Contains also a table on fuel oil and the location of the tanks. Camouflage schemes are included. The book draws conclusions about the construction of the destroyers, their strengths and weaknesses in. The book has a good bibliography. 9783763759408 Bernard & Graefe
  • Mer information

    Art.nr SX2197-ag
    Fabrikat Other
    Skala Nej
    Land Tyskland
    Epok WW II
    Second Hand Second Hand